
About Us

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The DAAD Information Centre Yaoundé provides advice on study and research opportunities in Germany and on institutional cooperation programmes. Another aim of our work is to inform interested German students about study and research opportunities in Cameroon.

DAAD Information Centre Yaoundé

The DAAD Information Centre created in 2009 serves Cameroon entirely. Its role is to represent the DAAD, which is an association of German institutes of higher education, in Cameroon.


Download & Publications

The DAAD publishes magazines, brochures and flyers to inform various target groups about specific topics, funding programmes and studies. Publications are available in English and frequently other languages as well.

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Student stands smiling in the corridor in front of the university


Based on your academic background and interests, My GUIDE will find suitable study programmes for you. Check your entrance qualification and contact your favourite university.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked